Crisis Response
988 and Crisis Hotline Services
We’ll help you guide people to healthier lives by sharing our award-winning best practices for providing 988 and crisis hotline services.
911 Diversion Programs
The goal of our 911 Diversion programs is to get the right professional to the right call at the right time. This reduces unnecessary incarcerations, promotes mental health recovery, and increases public safety by reducing the number of mental health calls that would otherwise require a law enforcement response.
Mobile Crisis Teams Dispatch
We’ve dispatched mobile crisis teams, crisis transportation, and behavioral health ambulances since our inception in 2007 to provide face-to-face care, support, and resources in-person to community members in need.
SAFEDVS - Domestic Violence Hotline
Solari operates the 24/7 SAFEDVS domestic violence shelter hotline for Maricopa County, the most populous county in Arizona. This vital service connects those in need to available and often life-saving shelters.