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Crisis Response Network and 2-1-1 Arizona, in partnership with the Office of Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, the Arizona Department of Economic Security and the Arizona Department of Health Services, announces new COVID-19 Hotline with additional information and referrals to resources accessible statewide via 2-1-1 Arizona and operating from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. seven days per week.

24/7/365 live-answer service to return to 2-1-1 Arizona on July 1, 2020, as the result of new state funding. 


TEMPE, ARIZONA, March 23, 2020 – In response to the Coronavirus crisis and in  partnership with the Office of Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, the Arizona  Department of Economic Security and the Arizona Department of Health Services,  Crisis Response Network and 2-1-1 Arizona has launched a new, statewide  COVID-19 Hotline. It was announced via press release by Arizona Governor Doug  Ducey on Sunday, March 22, 2020. The new line operates 12 hours daily, from 8  a.m. to 8 p.m. seven days per week, and was created in addition to the existing  COVID-19 hotline being operated by the Arizona Poison Control System. 

2-1-1 Arizona is an information and referral service which transforms lives by  linking individuals and families to vital services throughout the state, including  food, rental, and utility assistance, along with other forms of aid. 2-1-1 Arizona  works with more than 3,500 organizations that provide assistance to state  residents. 

The COVID-19 Hotline will offer an entry point to field questions and concerns  from Arizona residents about the Coronavirus pandemic and trained specialists  will respond to calls in English and Spanish. The line will also provide important  information, including: 

  • How to prepare for and prevent Coronavirus spread
  • Testing information for COVID-19
  • What populations are at higher risk from the Coronavirus
  • What to do if you get sick
  • Coronavirus and animals
  • A list of websites with accurate, reliable and up-to-date information
  • Information on food, housing and financial assistance

“We are deeply honored that the Governor’s office and other state agencies asked  us to partner with them in the creation of this new COVID-19 Hotline to aid the  residents of our state during the Coronavirus crisis. With calls coming through our  2-1-1 Arizona program, we look forward to fulfilling our company’s mission  of Inspiring Hope in those we serve during these trying times,” says Justin Chase,  President and CEO of Crisis Response Network. 

In addition to the new COVID-19 Hotline, new funding from the Governor’s office  will result in the resumption of 24/7/365 live-answer service for 2-1-1 Arizona  beginning on July 1, 2020. Limited live-answer service was discontinued on the  information-and-referral line in July 2019 due to the loss of state funding and  reductions in funds from other sponsors. This new funding will allow for 24/7/365  live-answer service to continue for one year while additional funding is sought. 

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